Welcome back to The Hermit's Journey! In today's post, we will discuss the minor arcana cards and provide quick tips to help you learn their meanings, improving your interpretations. The content we will cover comes from The Way of Tarot by Jodorowsky and Costa, which will introduce the basics of numerology. Although the book offers an in-depth exploration of this topic over 536 pages, we can lay some groundwork today that will greatly assist you. Elements: Before discussing the numbers, let's first revisit the suits and their corresponding elements. Swords/Air: The suit of swords represents the mind, including communication, language, thoughts, and knowledge. When swords appear in a reading, you are prompted to contemplate your life philosophy, how you communicate with others, and the myths or traditions you follow. Swords often address inner anxiety or existentialism. They cut through deception, leaving you exposed, and guide you to the edge of knowledge, where the unk...
Psychology, Esotericism, Personal Growth, and Development