Using Psychology in Tarot Readings: The King of Swords Welcome back, dear readers! We did it! We are at the end of our series about using psychology in your tarot readings for others! In our past three posts, we explored the details of cognition with the Page of Swords, systems of motivation and emotion with the Knight of Swords, and understanding personality with the Queen of Wands. Now we turn our attention to the King of Swords. In tarot, kings are invested in the superstructure of their suits. While queens foster growth, kings organize that energy into systems of meaning. From a bird's eye view, the King of Swords sees patterns and draws understanding. For tarot readers, the King of Swords challenges us to consider larger systems of meaning, not just individual differences. One powerful way to achieve this is through Social Identity Theory. Social Identity Theory Humans have a drive for high sel...
Psychology, Esotericism, Personal Growth, and Development